Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Here we go again! This will be my 16th year teaching in the Reading School District.  I've learned a lot along the way and sharpened my skills with every lesson taught.

As much as I love being a teacher, one of my favorite things to do is set up my classroom.  This year was even more exciting with a new room and a new grade. Another difference this year is all of my students will be the same.  I've never looped with a group before but I'm looking forward to seeing their little faces tomorrow at open house!

So in a few hours, I will get to see their reaction to our new room, but luckily you will get to preview it first. Let me know what you think!

 This is the view from the back of my room.
Love the respect and friends posters I downloaded for free. 

 My work corner along with my class schedule.
 More of my Navy Blue and Red Theme Decor
 My reading focus wall with bold color lettering  this product is editable too!
 Below are frames I will use for grouping students. The magnet have their names on them and can easily move to a different group!

 Loving their name tags this year. I like to keep the name tags on their desk simple and small.
 My group table with my Sort-o Game in progress! This game is loads of fun and educational! The kids love playing! My learn to write board is to the left. My students love to write whenever they have a free minute.
 My window coverings are actually being used for more bulletin board space. Above I have Go Math vocabulary preview words , for the first couple chapters, which come along with definitions cards that will be posted as we learn them. Below are critical verbs that I grouped if more than one verb had similar meanings.
 Finally, I have my closet doors with Prefix and Suffix words and critical nouns. The third door has goal graphing charts and the fourth door has my classroom jobs posted.
I hope you enjoyed checking out my classroom. Please follow my blog for future updates on my year!

Friday, August 12, 2016

Spending time with friends and family is how I let go of my stress.  I find these final days prior to the start of school is when I need these distractions from work the most.  How do you let go of stress prior to starting day? Last night, I had a stress-free time watching the Eagles win a preseason game! Lets hope they can keep on winning this season!

That being said, I am now thinking about my classroom ( sorry I can't stop ugh) and the few things that need to be done decoratively prior to lesson creation time.

I'm not quite ready for the big review, but I do have my Brag Tag wall to show you! I was just thinking about going to the dollar store to purchase the final plastic hooks I need to complete this area. Post your brag tag wall in my comments.  I love seeing all of the different Brag Tag ideas teachers create! Also if you need brag tags, check out my mentors page, Fun in 5th Grade! She has tags for everything. Here are a few.

Behavior Management Braggin Badges {Brag Tags}Character Education Braggin Badges {Brag Tags}Homework Incentive Braggin Badges {Brag Tags}Attendance Incentive Braggin Badges {Brag Tags}
I'm off to the beach for more rest and relaxation time. Enjoy the weekend!

Thursday, August 11, 2016

 Sneak Peak Preview of what is going on in my classroom!  This is my baseball inspired clock and probably the only truly masculine item in my room. The boys will love it!
 My navy blue and red classroom schedule is up and ready for all to see and follow on a daily basis.
I previously spoke about the glare making it impossible to see the white board.  Too many windows is a blessing and a curse lol! I chose to create two focus walls! Educational and functional! We are off to the Eagles Preseason game tonight then off to Sea Isle NJ for some family time!

Monday, August 8, 2016

 Today was day one back in my classroom.  I'm not very fond of the green everything going on in my classroom. This will need to change!
 I have a lot of work to do to get ready for a new grade and a new year. Luckily, I will have the same class I had in 3rd grade. Yayyyyyy!
 Stay tuned for new pics as I make color changes and start hanging decor to make my classroom inviting and fun!

Monday, August 1, 2016

There are so many products I would love to drop into my cart at Teacher Pay Teacher. I scrutinize over products I really need for my classroom from the ones I really want for my own entertainment.  For all the teachers out there hesitating and debating, like me, to purchase items for your classroom, DON'T!! You won't regret it! Here is why.

First, the BEST YEAR EVER SALE is going on right now, August 1st and 2nd.  Most products are a bargain at 20%-30% off.  Second, the longer you wait, the less time you will have to copy, laminate, hang, or file your new treasures. Finally, why reinvent the wheel? There are so many creative and talented sellers on TPT. These artist quickly create amazing products and all we have to do is click download and print!

Over the years, I have purchased many products that make my life as a teacher a lot more enjoyable and less stressful. Do yourself a favor and check out the amazing products at TPT!